October 26, 2019, 9:30 am
Temple Beth Sholom
50 Pamela Road
Framingham, MA 01701
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A morning with a service for all!
- Sanctuary Service 9:30-11:45
- Led by Rabbi Allison Poirier and Paul Kaufman
- Torah reading: Rabbi Poirier and Matthew Hass
- Qabbalah Yoga 9:30-10:30
- Featuring Allyson Steinmetz, Rosanne Kates and Larry Yarmaloff
- Focusing on spirituality and meditation through Torah
- Teen Talk 9:30-10:30
- Featuring Rabbi Allison Poirier
- This is an opportunity for teens and tweens to spend time with the Rabbi
- Taste of Torah 10:45-11:45
- Featuring Carl Chudnofsky
- “Where Are You?” – Genesis/Bereshit … Creation
- A very powerful question
- Our spiritual GPS
- Interfaith Discussion 10:45-11:45
- Facilitated by Esther Kosofsky
- Shabbat: What does it mean to me?
- Would you like Shabbat to have more meaning in your life? Regardless of how you”DO Shabbat” (what’s that?) or how often you go to Friday night or Shabbat services or whatever your religious background or how relevant being at synagogue is for you, this session is for YOU! Open to all, including anyone touched by intermarriage
- Sholom Cafe 9:15-11:45
- Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with some pastries
- Sit, schmooze and connect with others
- Kiddush Luncheon 12:00-1:30
- The community comes together for a Kiddush Luncheon