Get Involved

Book Club – Do you like to read? Have you ever wanted to join a book club? Don’t miss this opportunity to become part of the Temple Beth Sholom Book Club. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 10:00-11:00am, November through May.

Brotherhood – Brotherhood continues to provide its membership with significant and varied opportunities to become more involved in our Temple community and in Conservative Judaism. Our Brotherhood is a member of the National federation of Men’s Clubs.

Caring Volunteers – “Beth Sholom Caring Volunteers” provide caring, supportive and welcoming services to members of our congregation. By doing for others, Caring Volunteers embody the essence of Beth Sholom as a Temple concerned for the needs and well being of all of its members.

Guardians – The Temple Beth Sholom Guardians was founded in 1995 by 14 Temple member families concerned with the challenges facing our synagogue and the need to encourage and support its programs and initiatives.

Israel – Formed in the Fall of 2006, the Israel Action Committee will be an exclusive news dispenser, educator, and pro-Israel activist group.

Ritual Committee – The Ritual Committee at Temple Beth Sholom, in concert with our clergy, supervises all Religious Services of the Congregation. The Committee considers and approves the manner in which our services are observed and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on other matters concerning the religious activities of the congregation.

Social Action

TBS Tots – TBS Tots is dedicated to providing fun, exciting and educational programming for young families. Our activities and programs are ideally suited to toddlers and preschoolers and are welcoming for the whole family.

Youth – Temple Beth Sholom is committed to providing a Conservative Jewish experience to the members of our youth community — the opportunity to live Jewishly with Jewish peers and role models

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