December 15, 2018, 10:15 am
Temple Beth Sholom
50 Pamela Road
Framingham, MA 01701
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Please join us on Saturday morning December 15 as we celebrate Shabbat with our SholomPlex Mini offerings.
Sanctuary Service 9:30-11:45 
Senior Cantorial Student Jenn Boyle will lead our Shabbat morning service
Interfaith Discussion 9:30-10:30
Interfaith Couples Facilitator/Counselor Esther Kosofsky returns to continue her discussions with Interfaith Families 
Questions asked and contemplated included:
For spouses who were born and raised Jewish, you may be wondering: “How do I explain how I’m feeling, the fear of anti-Semitism that has been ingrained in me as a child and now re-ignited?” “How do I explain how deeply this has affected me, even as I live hundreds or thousands of miles away from Pittsburgh?”
For spouses who grew up Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, Quaker, Hindu, or another—or no—religion, you might be wondering: How do I show my support, when I’m not Jewish? What is my role in fighting anti-Semitism? Or you may be reeling, realizing the virulent hatred that some in this world have toward Jewish people. You might find yourself wondering, what have I signed up for? What have I signed my children up for?
Torah Yoga 10:15-11:30
Come to have fun with your spirituality, work on your mind-body connection and relax
The class is led by a certified Yoga instructor—Reverend Debbie Clark along with assistance from our own Rosanne Kates and Larry Yarmaloff.
The class runs for 75 minutes and focuses on spirituality and meditation through Torah text
Sholom Cafe 9:30-11:45
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with pastries!
Sit, schmooze, connect with others!
There will be a Kiddush Luncheon following the services.