Israel Learning and Celebration Series

TBS is excited to bring you five different opportunities to engage with, learn about, and celebrate Israel. From Israeli Politics to the Israeli landscape, join any or all of these many programs in honor of Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s Memorial and Independence Days.

The Forbidden Conversation with Gili Getz
Thursday April 8th at 7:30 PM

Gili Getz is an Israeli-American actor, photojournalist and activist.  The Forbidden Conversation premiered at the Center For Jewish History in the spring of 2016 and has been performed in Jewish spaces across the country since. The performance is followed by an open discussion about the challenging conversations we have with family, friends and our community concerning the future of Israel, the American Jewish community and ways to process fundamental differences and disagreements. All opinions are welcome.

Israeli – American Relations with Jacob Magid, US Correspondent for Times of Israel
Sunday April 11th at 10:00 AM

Jacob Magid is a reporter for The Times of Israel, the world’s most widely read English language news site covering Israel and the Jewish world. From 2017 to 2020, he served as the settlements correspondent, covering Israeli life beyond the Green Line as well as the government’s foreign and domestic policies relating to the West Bank. Join us for a conversation about US-Israel relations and the politics of the West Bank.

Evening Minyan observance of Yom Ha Zikaron and Yom HaAtzma’ut
April 14th and 15th at 7:15

Join our regular evening minyan, with additional songs and prayers to observe Israel’s Memorial Day and celebrate Israel’s birthday.

Bishvil Hamachar (Path to Tomorrow) with Eyal Buchler 
Sunday April 18th at 3:00 PM

The “Bshvil Hamachar” (“Path to Tomorrow”) foundation was established following the Second Lebanon War. The organization provides tools for coping with and containing the experiences of the war, so soldiers can go on to have a meaningful life in the civilian world. The emotional journey back from the battlefield was translated into the process of a personal journey, performed in a group setting and in nature. Join us for a conversation with Eyal to learn more about his important work in the holy landscape of Israel.

The Royal Tour of Israel 

Even though we can’t visit in person, we can enjoy a virtual tour of the Jewish Homeland. We especially encourage you to watch the film in preparation for the event with Eyal Buchler. The movie is available on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV or a link to view the movie will be provided after you register below.


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